Monday, July 26, 2010

Well its official!

I have Type 2 Diabetes. Just came home from the doctors office. I wish to god I didn't have it. Both my parents had/have diabetes. I'm not losing any damn weight what so ever.
That's my biggest problem right there. I need to lose this damn weight. I've cut back big time. I mainly eat just chicken and vegetables now. Cut out red meat almost all together. We hardly eat that at all anymore. I should be losing the weight. But nothing is coming off at all! I dunno what to do! Egh enough said about this topic. It sucks!!!
Anyways the boys come home in in 2 weeks now. Cant wait for them to be home. I miss them like crazy! Well my day sucks and I really dont have anything else to write about so i guess Ill stop here!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wow a year has passed!!

Wow I cannot believe its been a year already, since the last time I posted!
Alot has happened in the past yr., you can say.
Right now the boys are up in New York with their dad. They should be home in a week or so.
Cannot wait!
I miss them like crazy!!!

Lets see Buck was up here last October thru December. But him and Lisa worked things out.
I love my brother, don't get me wrong. But we are both very hard headed and don't take chit. So
we ended up fighting alot!! I wish we did live closer to one another. Just not in the same house!!!! LOL

I don't know whats wrong with me anymore! I feel so alone all the time, and sad! I hate this feeling soooooooo much! Its not Ed or the boys its sumtin inside me. Cant explain it, but it does suck!
Ed took me out with some well a couple he works with. Friday of my birthday. We ended up going to Joe's Crab Shack. It was nice and I had fun.minus the awkwardness I was feeling in the beginning.
But I got over that.
Then Saturday we met up with his ole boss and his wife and the couple we went out the night before with. We ended up going to Dave's and Busters. We, all cept Ed ended up getting really tipsy after all the corona's and shots of Jose and Patron. Randy(his ole boss) and I did the shots of Jose's. And his wife (Chrissy) and the couple did Jager bombs. I cannot drink that chit for chit! Yuck!
and we shot about 20 games of pool. Which is my game but I so sucked that night LOL actually we all did! Which at first or the start of the night I felt outta place. Or like I didn't fit there. But after a few shots I was like f*it! LOL.

I've been trying to quit smoking, (while I be smoking at the moment lol) and I always seem to fail!
I have no willpower I swear!
The boys are hoping I do get the will power and quit. But that don't look to promising. Well for right now anyways.

Hopefully I get to see my mom some time in the next couple months! Long long story, and not going to get into right now. But we haven't seen each other in awhile now. I'm hoping she could fly up here.
Because there is no way I can or we can fly down there right now. Cant afford it!

Well Danny pcs's to Hawaii in October. I told him next summer when I fly the boys out there we were coming out there for a week too. He don't care! lol
But Before we found that out. We made a deal all our money next yr. was going to go to the Tahoe.
Hurry up and pay that bitch off faster. But now I wanna take half and go out there. I mean come on when would we ever get the chance to do that again?
So we shall see!
Well I needa get my big ass ta bed so signing out!!