Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Summer break over yet?

Sure needs ta hurry up, and be over with already! Im sorry,Im not one for this heat,I hate it LOL.
Yes,I do know what I am talking,about since I have lived in florida most of my life.
Between that,and these boys aggravating the piss outta each other, are driving me damn batty already!
Omg, over the dumbest things, I swear.
But, I do have to give credit,when its due. These boys have been non stop helping around the house! They so messed up! LOL
I made lil chore lists for each of them, heck they r old enough. And from what I have found on the web, what sum of these parent make their kids do! Lemme tell ya they have it made!
But they are not complaining about it one bit, and BOTH are actually following it,so cannot complaing to much LOL.
But the fighting O M G!!
talk bout over the dumbest and I mean dumbest things.
MOM, he looked at me!!!
Little Dudes Seriously???
O and yes i am doing a national lawsuit against Calgon!!! I know I been saying it for years... but them fockers take u no damn where, Your Stuck!
so yea laugh all ya want,
Well this is about it for now, Im so trying to get my butt on a schedule with getting back on here and doing my blogs like I am suppose to!

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